Bangladesh Police of Awami League : The Shameless Brutal Force who Kills only Civilians and Does nothing to the Terrorist

Police Brutality on Civil people on Bangladesh at a glance.

Police has beaten up the man almost dead.

Photo 1 : Who is this killing a civil people in wearing Police uniform? where Police trying to save the helpless civilian, Ruling Party thug, isn't he?

Govts student wing cadres are using Illegal arms and killing people. govt is silent !!

Photo 1 : Who are all these in the dress of Elite Force RAB? they do not seem to be RAB members. People says, these are ruling party Awami League thugs to kill opposition activists.

Deaths in the shooting of Police on UNARMED people, #Genocide #Feb28 

Police : Torturing people to death. this is the Awami Police of Bangladesh. A shame to the humanity.

 Photo : In presence of POLICE, ruling party thugs are vandalizing and destroying the Islami Bank and other Financial Offices in #Sylhet
 Photo : Who are in civil dress shooting to the Protesters DIRECTLY? where protesters are totally UNARMED? why is this? it was the day of #GENOCIDE #Feb28

Photo : Police torturing a Muslim bringing him out of the mosque in the day of protest against slanderer of Dearest Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

Abusive Brutal Torture on Women by Bangladesh Police

Bangladesh Ruling Party Awami League have generated mass killing to hold their Fascist Power. Police force and even the Elite Force have been using as the hand of Ruling party. Ruling party armed thugs have joined them to 'manage' opposition activists. But, when they are on the streets, their abusive attitude surpasses any level. Civil women are being abused, tortured and even murdered by the combined thugs where police has a big role in play. The country has become a death valley. Women have lost their assurance of security from the ruling party thugs and police. We need GLOBAL AWARENESS from the people around the world.

Photo 1 : Police beating a women on the street. She is not a terrorist!!

Photo 2 : Who is torturing the helpless women in presence of Armed RAB pushing on the ground?

Photo 3 : A Police is taking a chance to abuse women who are workers. Corrupted Police in ethics and morality

Photo 4 : A Group of Police enjoying beating a helpless women on the streets. Humanity Cries!

Photo 5 : Bangladeshi Police Brutality on women and children.

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Torture on older Islamists by opposition thugs in presence of Police in Bangladesh

Torture on older Islamists by opposition thugs in presence of Police in Bangladesh, #Paltan #Dhaka [13 Feb, 13]

Torture on older Islamists by opposition thugs in presence of Police in Bangladesh, #Paltan #Dhaka [13 Feb, 13]

Bangladesh: Justice for the past requires fair trials, warn UN experts

Bangladesh: Justice for the past requires fair trials, warn UN experts

GENEVA (07 February 2013) – Two United Nations human rights experts expressed concern on Thursday about the death sentence passed by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh against Mr. Abdul Kalam Azad, following a trial conducted in absentia that did not provide for all the guarantees of a fair trial and due process. In a second verdict issued on 5 February, the Tribunal sentenced Mr. Abdul Kader Molla to life imprisonment. Judicial proceedings are underway in several other cases and there is a risk that the defendants could also be sentenced to death.
“Given the historic importance of these trials and the possible application of the death penalty, it is vitally important that all defendants before the Tribunal receive a fair trial,” said the two UN Special Rapporteurs.
Christof Heyns, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, expressed alarm at the fair trial and due process concerns raised during proceedings that led to the imposition of the death penalty against Mr. Azad, including that the trial was conducted in absentia. “International law requires compliance with the most stringent fair trial and due process guarantees in cases where death sentences are imposed,” he stressed.
“Capital punishment may be imposed only following proceedings that give all possible safeguards to ensure a fair trial and due process, at least equal to those stipulated in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Bangladesh is a State party,” he added.
“I am concerned by questions that have been raised about the impartiality of judges and prosecution services of the Tribunal, as well as their independence from the executive,” said Gabriela Knaul, the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers. “Witnesses and lawyers for the defence have also complained about an atmosphere of hostility, intimidation and harassment,” she added.
“Due process requires at a minimum that defendants are able to speak freely with their counsel, have adequate time to conduct their defence, and the ability to call witnesses to speak on their behalf,” Ms. Knaul said. “The principle of equality of arms should be respected at all stages of the proceedings.”
The Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal established by the Government of Bangladesh in March 2010 is in fact as a domestic court with the jurisdiction and competence to try and punish any person accused of committing atrocities, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, in Bangladesh, including during the country’s 1971 independence war.
The experts stressed that any shortcomings in the trial proceedings should be carefully examined during any appeal. “A credible appeal process also constitutes an imperative component of fair trial guarantees, particularly in instances, where the death penalty has been imposed,” they noted.
“The Tribunal is an important platform to address serious crimes from the past, which makes it all the more important that it respects the basic elements of fair trial and due process,” concluded the experts.
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